It was Christmas of 1975, and my dad bought the family our first video game, Pong. Pong was a game based on Table Tennis. It came with a gaming console with two knobs attached to the face and an adaptor that allowed you to connect it to your television where the antenna attached. The screen was black and white with a short line on each side that moved up and down when you turned the knob. The object was to hit a little white ball and volley it back to the other side. If you missed, your opponent scored a point like Table Tennis. We would play for hours, or until Columbo came on, we were get the hang of the game and could pull off some impressive trick shots. Pong at our house lasted only a few months, we only had one television in the house and my dad preferred to watch The Million Dollar Man. I can’t say I know much about the video games of today, but I can say I was there in the beginning.
What was the first Video Game you owned?
Today is Video Game Day and it makes me want to play some Pong.