KONO Soldier Salutes Dynamic Duo Yvette & Jordan

Valor Across Borders: A Family’s Service

Today, we honor two of America’s finest: Sgt Yvette from Louisiana and her husband, Sgt Jordan from San Antonio. Nominated by Patricia Martinez, Yvette’s mother, this salute is a testament to their unwavering courage and dedication.

Sgt Yvette and Sgt Jordan, both valiantly served in the Armed Forces, with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. Their commitment to duty and country exemplifies the spirit of the military family. Married and blessed with two daughters, they stand as pillars of strength and love.

We are immensely proud of Yvette and Jordan, not only for their service to the Marines and Army but for the sacrifices made by their entire family. Today, we raise our glasses in gratitude and respect for these two heroes who have proudly worn our nation’s uniform.