Do you love to decorate your home? Changing out for every season and holiday. My mother is a decorator, she’s good at it too. Growing up, our house always had the spirit of the season.
There is a new decorating trend that I’m not sure my mother would embrace, Fridgescaping. Fridgescaping is decorating the inside of a refrigerator like it’s any other room in a home. You could see thoughtfully arranged produce, such as a bouquet of asparagus in a vase, and charming storage containers, like pink glass pitchers and antique ceramic butter dishes. Fridgescapers also put photos and flowers where the lettuce and mustard should go. I can’t even find room in my fridge for the left-over potatoes much less a bouquet of cauliflower; I don’t even like cauliflower. If you watch the video below, you’ll see there is not much room for food, and isn’t that what a fridge is for? It’s amazing what lengths people will go to for attention on social media. But hey, it is better than that Tide- Pod thing.