A Cup and A Hug - Feel Good Story! September 3, 2024

Two unexpected visitors came to the house today.

The first a gentleman in his late 80′s who lives round the corner. HIs son-in-law is very ill, and his daughter is unable to be with him, so the elderly gentleman is understandably upset and had nobody to talk to about it. We got him inside and offered him a cup and several hugs and had a good chat. When he left, he said he felt a lot better. Human touch is so important for those living alone and someone to tell your troubles to even more so. Even a hug can make a big difference, it shows you care. Then we had a lady from the neighborhood come to borrow a wheelbarrow and watering can and she came in for a cup and a chat. If you can leave people feeling a little happier than when they sought you out to chat, it’s all good. Our lady neighbor also left with a jar of my home-made marmalade.